Maxus Euniq cars with problem charging on chargers delivering more than 50kW
Maxus Euniq cars with problem charging on chargers delivering more than 50kW
Grid power technical specification of UFC 200 for grid provider
Grid power technical specification of UFC 200 for grid provider
Cable gland wrench for 200 kW UFC
Cable gland wrench for 200 kW UFC
UFC 200 kW: Aluminium cable in UFC power connector
UFC 200 kW: Aluminium cable in UFC power connector
No communication to back-end mobile connection set to 2G, 3G is not available
No communication to back end mobile connection set to 2G, 3G is not available
SLIM 100 Mapping and crossboards
SLIM 100 crosscan boards ordering and gateway setup
Cable gland plates overview
Cable gland plates overview
How to enable remote support with Quick Assist
How to enable remote support
DC installed power sticker on charger crate
DC installed power sticker on charger crate
Dynamic Power distribution (DPD)
Dynamic Power distribution (DPD)
Firmware v3.6.11 official release
New charger firmware v3.6.11 official release
How to connect to a GW (gateway) board
How to connect to a GW (gateway) board
OpenSSH Security Issue CVE-2024-6387 - regreSSHion
OpenSSH Security Issue CVE-2024-6387 - regreSSHion
UFC200 with AC Plug QCA V4 rework instruction
TitleUFC200 with AC Plug QCA V4 rework instruction
UFC200 with AC socket QCA V4 rework instruction
UFC200 with AC socket QCA V4 rework instruction
CCS cable replacement UFC 200 - French version
Replacement of CCS (Combined Charging System) cables
Cable Management System with arms UFC 200 - French version
Cable Management System with arms UFC 200 - French version
UFC 200 Apollo retrofit kit for double sided chargers
UFC 200 Apollo retrofit kit for double sided chargers